Friday, September 7, 2007


In life, it's easy to take things for granted. The Lord, Life itself, family, friends, jobs, health, and the like. 'Tis true, we most oft don't know what we have until it's gone, but there are those occasions where we are alert, sensitive enough, and paying enough attention to what we have been blessed with to really bask in God's goodness toward us through Himself, His word, others, nature, etc.

Tonight while sitting in my living room with my husband and a childhood friend, I was struck by God's absolute goodness toward me, and the richness of the soil of friendships he put around my life from very early on. Friendships that I hold dear, that go beyond neat memories to deep, and valuable spiritual connections, chords that can't be broken...

I have told my kids that when I was a girl, I was poor in family, and rich in friends, while they are rich in family, and poor in friends.

Father, thank you for all the friends you have placed and kept in my life. An amazing blessing indeed, and I am basking in it.


Missy said...

I will say it again, that you are so great at expressing yourself. I presume that your childhood friend was "A". You'll have to tell me about it later! Glad you had a good time. And I'm most glad to be one of your childhood friends!

Marsha said...

I just want to know...Do you know what beer is? A "classic" MH line from the past.
On a serious note, when I count my blessings, you're right there with my list of family names. I'm so glad you are my "adopted" daughter.
Love ya!