Sunday, October 7, 2007

It's Going To Be Okay

Tonight I had another one of my "Over The Fence" talks with the older lady that lives next door to me. I often end up in such conversations on my way out to run an errand. They've come to be one of my favorite treats. Tonight, it was chit chat about a local political matter, Creation, the drought, unseasonably hot weather, and cutting up over the absurdity of not being able to get a decent neighbor on the other side of me, so we send out the Police instead of the Welcome Wagon. Her lighthearted laugh, and good natured joking were a balm to my soul. She usually ends up telling me a great story from her life's library when we talk. She did tonight. I always come away from talking to this woman feeling like my soul has been fed.

When I was driving to pick up my eldest child from a church activity, I had the most amazing feeling of well-being, much like I feel when I see clothes on a clothesline blowing gently in the wind, smell clean clothes, or a great cinnamon laced candle.

I've noticed that there is a sense of assurance that everything will be okay among the folks I know that grew up during the Depression Era. I didn't grow up knowing that, and I didn't hear that much growing up. I questioned God a lot about how things would turn out for me, and begged Him to make it good.

At times in my life, the Lord has allowed things that didn't feel okay, but the truth is, with Him I can always trust that in the end, it's going to be okay.


Marsha said...

It'll be a sad day when the "Greatest Generation" is no longer with us. May we all learn from them while we can so we can carry on some of their wise ways.
I'm glad you have her in your life.

Stace' said...

Me too!!!!!!