Friday, October 19, 2007

It's Raining, It's Pouring...

I got out of bed less than an hour ago. I tip toed into the kitchen, made my coffee, and settled into the living room for some quiet time before my day started. My youngest still has this keen sense of when I rise. She came in, kissed me, and gave me that look that says "can I get up yet?" I smiled and said, "Good morning! I love you. Back to bed until it's light outside."

I was able to have about 30 minutes alone to come to and drink in some truth before the sun came up enough for the children to justify rising (although you can't tell from this picture). My children congregated in my youngest child's bedroom to greet one another, and check the "light situation". They figured it was safe enough and came into the living room. In unison they were saying "MOM, it's raining outside!!" it was just like those rare mornings around here when it snows. They all gathered on the couch as they do when it snows, and my younger 2 children have done for years, looking outside, waving at people going to work, and taking advantage of their front row seats to nature's latest show, one that we haven't seen in weeks.

I love that my children are not so over stimulated by all the world offers children that they can't sit by a window and watch it rain, or snow, or the wind whip trees around, with sheer awe and delight. Some would say we have deprived our children since they don't have video games, don't spend time on the computer, and only watch a select few programs on TV. I disagree. If they need to catch up on that when they're adults, that's up to them, but for now, we want them sensitive to God's revelation of Himself through nature.

Father, thank you for the rain. Thank you for an amazing husband, and these 3 children that happen to be my favorites. Thank you so much for revealing yourself through nature. How kind!


Missy said...

What a sweet picture. The words and the image!
You are awesome and I'm glad your my friend!

Marsha said...

What a precious picture! I can tell that your house and children are clean because there's no dirt showing on the soles of their feet. And I can also tell from your post and the innocense in your children that you are a Mom who prays for their souls not to be touched by the dirt of this world. Bless you my treasured adopted daughter! I love you and your family bunches. You all are always in my prayers.

Ames said...

We got rain, too. Thank you, Lord.

My poor children are deprived, too.