Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Over The Fence

Last week during the time my children rest and read for an hour in the middle of the day, and I recharge my batteries for the rest of the day, I went and sat in our garden. I was doing some reading when the neighbor from behind our house poked her head around her privacy fence to chat. She was telling me how she and another neighbor came and were looking over my garden, and the neighbor was stunned at how the tomatoes are producing so much fruit. She had several kind things to relay from their earlier conversation, then we went on about our own business. The conversation wasn't long, but it inspired me to do the journaling that follows...

Others may enjoy my garden, they can look over their fences, come visit, even sit a while, or enjoy the fruit of my labor, BUT only the Lord and I know the toil that has taken place in order for this to be such a place, and produce such fruit. Others don't know the areas that I battle the most hearty weeds. Others don't know the buckets of trash, scrap metal, etc. that I have thrown away, and still hoe daily from this area that was once another man's dumping ground. All others see is the order that I toil to restore so very often. It is also like this in the garden of my own soul...

Father, thank you for being MY faithful Gardener. Continue to hoe, create, and restore order in my life that I may faithfully love you, and others.


Ames said...

Your garden is awesome!

Ames said...

Have you found a good beginner's gardening website?

Stace' said...

No, I have used NC State's sit for Home Gardening, and sent e-mails to our local Extension Office. Great helps!!!

Stace' said...

site. Oops!!!

Ames said...

When do we get more of Garden Gal?