Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I never notice how loud we are around here until it is time to turn on the attic fan, and open the windows.


Ames said...

I know exactly what you mean. Because of the cooler temps here, our windows have been open every day since we moved here, I think. Add that to the fact that the houses are really close together; and I start wondering if our neighbors know everything about us. I keep expecting someone to come over and say, "We have heard that audio book enough already. Can we listen to something else?" or, "If that were my kid, and she lipped me off like that, I would take a 2X4 to her back side."

Shan said...


Ames said...

My sentiments exactly, Shan.

Gwen said...

What? I can't hear you.

Marsha said...

oooooo!!!! I like your new fall look!

I know what you mean. How can just 2 people be so noisy?