Monday, December 3, 2007

Random Stuff

Ames, Kids, and I met Marsha at the Grove Park Inn to see the gingerbread houses. Amazing!!!

I poured candles last week.

Middle child not only broke arm, but contracted Poison Ivy, then got stung by a Bee 2x yesterday.

When I feel stressed I cuss.

I tried the new Sierra Mist with cranberry today. Yummy!

Today I baked a Red Velvet Cake from a recipe that belonged to my grandmother.

I love my pharmacy. The lady that works in the store sounds like a Mount Pilot Fun Girl (Andy Griffith Show).

My tree still isn't up.

I would love to run away right now.

I have horrid PMS.

I haven't blogged in a long time.

I've had some strange interactions over the last week and I'm relationally tired.

Sometimes I just don't want to be kind.

When I was young I lacked discretion. At times I wish that was still a good reason.

God is so much bigger than I know.

My opinion won't change things.

I knit a washcloth in one sitting last night. Yahoo!!!

I'm fighting some bug.

I cleaned my linen closet last week. It was major!!! I hauled off 2 bags from just one shelf. Yikes!

I have plenty to clean out still.

I would love to sit in front of the TV one day, all day long, not sharing the remote.

I need to go wipe out my Christmas list.

I'm thrilled cool weather is here.

I'm feeling a "quiet phase" coming on.

If you're still reading this you must be bored out of your mind. :)


Ames said...

Let me know what I can do to help. Do you want to drop the kids off here one day?

I hear you, loud and clear, on too many of those random thoughts.

Yay for you on the washcloth.

I recently tried the Cranberry Sierra Mist, too. Good stuff.

Marsha said...

I've been wondering where you are. Here are some random responses:

I had a great time last week with you all.

I love my candle.

Bless E's heart! He's going through the plagues right now.

Do you feel better now that you cussed?

Haven't tried the Sierra Mist with cranberry...sounds yummy.

I just told Mike you made a Red Velvet cake (his favorite). He said he'd be right over.

"Hi Dawl!"

Neither's mine.

Run away to my house!

Sorry about your PMS - been there, done that, got the hysterectomy.

Opps! I hope I'm not one of those strange interactions!

Sometimes we need to just cleanse our soul and say, "Lord, help me. I really don't feel like being kind today. Help me be more like You."

It's good you recognize your past pitfalls so you can avoid them now.

Yes, God is bigger than we'll ever be able to comprehend. It makes me feel safe because I know he's bigger than anything I'll ever face.

Your opinion matters to me sweetie!

Yeah! A project completed!

Try raid...oh, not that kind of bug. Puffs plus are nice.

I wish I had a linen closet! Closets are something that didn't come with this house.

Veg out days are good for the mind, body and soul.

Wiping out your Christmas in finishing it or using it for toilet paper?

It is QUITE COLD here, too. And very windy.

Quiet is good. "And Mary treasured all these things and pondered them in her heart." Luke 2:19

I'm not bored, just praying for you, that the Lord would lift your countenence and fill your soul with refreshing water from His well of Grace. Drink deeply and be refresh, my adopted daughter! Have a good night.

Shan said...

Not bored - I love these random posts and always read to the end lest I miss some shocking true confession.

Knit on, girl.

I cuss too. I LOVE cussing. It's so punchy.

Since you are a knitter now, I'm going to recommend a podcast for you. "Cast On" is wonderful - about an hour per episode, hosted by an expat American living in Wales. All about knitting but she's a writer too, so there are lots of nice thought-provoking essays. You can download the episodes through iTunes or at the website, I highly recommend starting at the beginning. You can listen to them on your computer, you don't need an iPod.

Missy said...

I love randomness too. I have been feeling pretty random myself.
I will have to give you a call.
I am looking forward to a nice visit!

Alannah said...

Personally I'm still reeling from the fact of bees still flying about in your area. Our poison ivy (well, okay, our Stinging Nettle) is covered in a pile of snow.

Gwen said...

^ ^ ^

Oops, that's my daughter. That was supposed to be me!