Monday, January 21, 2008

It's Time

I'm on a mission to rid my life of clutter. All that "stuff" in my closets, and other spaces with doors where I hide the excess I simply don't need. The junk in my trunk, if you will. The clutter in my heart and mind. The weights that so easily distract. I'm sick of them all!!!

If you have mastered this de-cluttering thing, let me know what you have found to be the most helpful tips.


Gwen said...

I clicked on "Post A Comment" excitedly, thinking of all the decluttering tips I could share.

But then I realized that my house is still a pigsty. "Mastering" isn't the word I'd use to describe me; "mastered" is more accurate.

But anyway, I like for tips. If you can make it through a lot of silliness and navigate a very -may I say - CLUTTERED site, you can find a lot of great stuff.

Good luck!

Missy said...

Seeing how my living room is filled with laundry to fold, my sink is full of dishes to wash, and we're all in PJ's, I'm not the person either.
I wish I was that person though!
My inner me wants to be that person.

Marsha said...

And the reason Missy is not this person is because of her gene pool! I too want to be that person, and I have small victories now and then, but the truth of the matter is, I'm a pack rat. I just bought a book at B & N in Knoxville on Friday about decluttering your home. It's still in Mike's cluttered car floor!

Emily Barnes has some good stuff on the topic as well.

I have adopted 2 rules of thumb this past year, though.
Rule #1: For every new something I bring into the house, something else must go OUT! So when I stand there in the store and think I must have that, I must also think what am I willing to part with at home.
Rule #2: As I've been working on decluttering closests and drawers over the past few months, I've asked myself if I've used it or needed it in the past year. If I haven't, then out it goes. Of course, there is sentimental items that this does not hold to.

Okay, girl. Start teaching us as you learn.

Stace' said...

Thanks to all you gals for your willingness to let me know I'm not alone!

I'm on a roll. Today is a Teacher/Student workday. I've gotten my kitchen cabinets and drawers cleaned out and wiped down. I also straightened the cabinet below my bathroom sink.

Threw out 2 bags of junk, and took a bag to Salvation Army.

Today, I cleaned out a closet by my kitchen and got a full trash bag. I also cleaned out my purse, and did a quick tidy to my linen closet.

I've read a good bit from both Flylady, and Emily Barnes. They have wonderful things to share. However, I get overwhelmed by the e-mails from Flylady.

Thanks for the encouragement. I'll let you know about my progress.

BTW, I also ordered the starter kit for Weight Watchers last night. I am not viewing it as a diet, just boundaries for life.

Shan said...

I, too, was overwhelmed with emails from FlyLady. Talk about inbox was reeling.

But I do like her crisis clean rules, and the timer thing.

I once read something like "if you haven't worn it in three seasons, throw it". I do that one with my clothes. I've also started being ruthless with the kids' clothes because most of them just go onto the floor during the search for one of the three favourite t-shirts.

Marsha said...

Also, over on my blog is a button for Company Girls. Take a peak over there. We're simplifying our lives this year.

Stacy said...

Hey Stace,

I'm not here to suggest cleaning out anything (if you ever looked in my car you'd know why). I just wanted to wish you a happy belated birthday.

Marsha said...

BELATED!!! Okay, I had it in my head it was the 27th! Oh my! Okay, give me 10 minutes. I have something ready to put up on my blog, I just need to polish it off a little bit.

Love you! Happy belated (sniff,sniff) birtday!

Marsha said...

Okay, done. You can look now.

Marsha said...

There's a blog giveaway going on over at
Check it out! I think you might like what she's giving away.

Don't forget I've got a giveaway going, too if you want to sign up.

Gwen said...

I am sneakily leaving this comment on an old post so no one will see it but you! (I don't have an email address to use)

SINCE you are the only one who has said they are praying for our Big Secret, I'll tell you what it is! :D

We have decided to adopt two children from Ethiopia. We have been thinking about it for years -- we always said we would adopt, right from the beginning of our marriage -- and now, suddenly, God is telling us that it's time to do it.

You are probably aware that adoption takes AGES AND AGES to complete, and it also takes PILES o' coinage. So, if I may ask right out, I would SO appreciate your prayers for God to supply! I know that He wouldn't tell us to do something (and it has been unmistakeable) but then not give us what we need to do it. Now, I know that it my head, but it's a whole different story when I have to actually rest in that.

Thank you for praying! I was totally blown away when I read that comment. It never occurred to me that somebody so far away might actually remember a couple little hints and pray for us. I'm amazed. Thank you, thank you. How exciting it is it be part of this big worldwide Body!

ps - clearly you can delete this comment, as it's about as relevant to your post as the previous comment!