Sunday, October 14, 2007

Water Restriction

Right now the area I live in is under water restrictions. That makes gardening tough. The Media is encouraging folks to report neighbors that are watering. I have decided to use minimal water, and my garden reflects that. I went out yesterday and felt rather frustrated.

I can tell I'm generally feeling like I'm under water restrictions. I take comfort that I'm just struggling with feelings, and feelings are a poor representation of truth.

Ever feel like things are just closing in on you? Like you can't take any more bad news? Like a bear on the inside? I'm there. No, it isn't PMS. It's just the state of things on Planet Earth. It makes me want to cuss. Actually, I've been doing a lot of "silent cussing" or cussing while alone lately. I hate it when I get like this. I recently saw the blog of a brassy gal I don't know, but like a great deal. She was flipping the bird to life in general. Loved that. THAT is how I feel right now. She already did it, so I don't need to.

The good in all of this? I know that none of this stops here. There is no guarantee that circumstances will change here or now, but I know the Living Water. I know where a Spring is. There is an endless supply of everything I need for life and godliness. This is a fact. One I must rest on in faith. I think I will.

One day water restrictions will be over for good!


Marsha said...

Aren't you glad no one can restrict us from drinking freely from that Living Water?
Our country needs a good down pour right now. The land is parched and dusty and begging for nourishment. I love this verse and mediate and pray over it often: "Drip down, O heavens, from above, and let the clouds pour down righteousness; let the earath open up and salvation bear fruit, and righteousness spring up with it. I, the Lord, have created it."
Lord, bring true revival to our land, and to each person who is called by your name. Lord, I stand before you and ask to be soaked in your Living Water!"

Marsha said...

Isaiah 45:8.

Missy said...

Great post my friend. I wish I lived near you! I would bring you some soup and bread today. Just because I love you!

Missy said...

As I was showering this evening I was thinking about you. Weird huh?
No, I was thinking that I've been hearing about people who save their shower water to use in the garden. I could send you mine if you'd like!

Missy said...

Oh how the water flows down a waterfall, through a river, upon the shore in waves out of the ocean vast.
The beauty of the flowing waterfall.
The tranquilty of the rushing river.
The serenity of the clasping waves.

Oh to experience the waves with a friend, drink in hand, children playing quietly in the tide.
Sunglasses upon my face, sunblock on my body, conversation flowing out of my mouth.

Alas, soon the day will be upon us,and we will bask in the sun. We shall glean wisdom from one another.
Children will play compatibally, while mothers drink margaritas and chuckle at their antics.
Aah, the day of water will soon arrive!

(I'm sorry...was that too long?

Stace' said...

You're funny. Next time e-mail that to me. ;).

Can't wait!!